International Achievement by State Audit Institution Inclusion of Complaints and Reports Window among the Distinguished Arab Digital Transformation Practices under the ESCWA ENACT Project
International Achievement by State Audit Institution Inclusion of Complaints and Reports Window among the Distinguished Arab Digital Transformation Practices under the ESCWA ENACT Project
Date of Publication: Jun 11, 2024, 11:26 AM
The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) announced the inclusion of State Audit Institution's Complaints and Reports Window among the best distinguished Arab practices within the ESCWA-launched ENACT project. ENACT aims to accelerate the use of technology and innovation for enhanced operations in Arab public institutions by collecting successful and distinguished studies from various Arab States regarding innovative technologies and initiatives in place to develop and improve government services.
The window was chosen from among 60 distinct initiatives from 12 Arab countries listed in the ESCWA Arab Open and Innovation Government Portal.
As part of its endeavors to keep pace with the era of technology and digital transformation to achieve Oman Vision 2040 objectives and Goal 16 of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, which calls for peace, justice and strong institutions, the Institution has been keen to develop the provided service through the window and improve it via the SAI website and smartphone application in Arabic and English, to effectively communicate with society, strengthen the principle of partnership in protecting public fund and ensure the quality of performance in line with digital transformation and technology requirements.
The window contributes to foster community outreach and receive various complaints and reports related to administrative and financial irregularities and violations against public fund, and then the Institution deals with such complaints and reports with high professionalism.
It is worth noting that the window won the United Nations Public Service Award in the category of Preventing and Fighting Corruption in 2013, reflecting the efforts exerted by the Institution in protecting public fund. In addition, the window was recently developed, where submitting complaints was separated from submitting reports, giving greater flexibility and confidentiality to whistleblowers. OTP feature and complaint reference number were also added. The Institution is constantly working to improve and develop the window to add ChatBot feature to enhance bridges of communication with the community.