State Audit Institution Delivers an Awareness Lecture to the Employees of the Environment Authority
State Audit Institution Delivers an Awareness Lecture to the Employees of the Environment Authority
Date of Publication: May 28, 2024, 2:49 PM

State Audit Institution, in cooperation with the Environment Authority, delivered an awareness lecture on the role of state audit institution and the importance of institutional partnership in protecting public fund, promoting integrity, and safeguarding the national achievements, on Tuesday, May 28, in the presence of a number of the Authority’s employees. Dr. Mubarak bin Khalfan Al-Rahbi, Director of the Audit on Economic Affairs Sector Department, delivered the lecture.
The lecture included reviewing the responsibilities and powers of the Institution, and explaining the methodology followed by the Institution in carrying out financial and administrative audit of State-owned funds or those managed or supervised by the State, and all financial and administrative dispositions, in addition to following up on the performance of the entities subject to its audit in accordance with the laws regulating its work.
The lecture also reviewed the added value of the Institution’s work, and the models of financial declaration and annual disclosure for the government official. In conclusion, the participants were informed about how citizens and residents can communicate with the Institution and the ways to submit complaints, reports and inquiries. The lecture explained the mechanism followed by the Institution in dealing with these reports and complaints, and finally the lecturer received the attendees’ interventions and responded to questions and inquiries.