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State Audit Institution Participates in the Meeting of the Special Committee on Establishing INTOSAI Working Group on Follow-Up Audit (WGFA)

State Audit Institution Participates in the Meeting of the Special Committee on Establishing INTOSAI Working Group on Follow-Up Audit (WGFA)

Date of Publication: May 23, 2024, 1:52 PM

جهاز الرقابة يشارك في اجتماع اللجنة الخاصة بشأن إنشاء مجموعة عمل الإنتوساي المعنية بمتابعة أعمال التدقيق جهاز الرقابة يشارك في اجتماع اللجنة الخاصة بشأن إنشاء مجموعة عمل الإنتوساي المعنية بمتابعة أعمال التدقيق


      State Audit Institution participated in the Meeting of the Special Committee on Establishing INTOSAI Working Group on Follow-Up Audit (WGFA), thought the Committee of Knowledge Sharing. The meeting was held virtually in the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, today, 23rd of May, 2024, with the participation of the SAIs members of the Committee.


      During the meeting, members discussed the draft feasibility report for establishing the INTOSAI Working Group on Follow-Up Audit (WGFA), which will meet the diverse needs expressed by member States, including exchange of experiences, capacity building, and collaborative development of tools, which is consistent with the broader objectives of INTOSAI to enhance global cooperation and contribute to the development of common principles that increase the impact of follow-up practices at the international level.


      The survey prepared by the team showed that State Audit Institution is amongst the 48 SAIs that participated in the survey with a 10-year experience in following up on the implementation of recommendations.


      It is worth noting that follow-up audit is a specialized audit activity focused specifically on evaluating the implementation of recommendations from prior audits. Furthermore, according to INTOSAI, follow-up audit refers to the process of verifying the implementation of audit recommendations and the evaluation of actions taken by audited entities. However, evaluation should occur after a reasonable period, based on specific context and nature of audit recommendations.





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