State Audit Institution Participates in the Meeting of the GCC Training Strategic Plan Following up and Evaluating Working Group
State Audit Institution Participates in the Meeting of the GCC Training Strategic Plan Following up and Evaluating Working Group
Date of Publication: Apr 30, 2024, 12:35 PM
State Audit Institution participated in the inaugural meeting of the sub-working group for following up on and evaluating the training strategic plan for the GCC audit and accounting bureaus. The meeting was held via video conference from the Secretariat General headquarters in Riyadh on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, with the participation of the member SAIs of the group.
During the meeting, the status of implementation of 2024 training programs in areas related to the competencies of member SAIs and bureaus was reviewed. Additionally, initiatives related to the implementation of the training strategic plan and operational plan model were discussed. The meeting addressed actions taken by the member states regarding the implementation of the initiatives entrusted to them.
It is worth noting that the formation of the group was approved during the 20th Meeting of the Heads of the Audit and Accounting Bureaus, which was held in the Sultanate of Oman in October 2023, with the aim of following up on and evaluating the training strategic plan for the GCC audit and accounting bureaus.